Plug & Play
A Solution for Boat Builders
Delivering a kit that is ready bolt/plug in, we pre-programme all the components – Alternator regulator, BMS, Cerbo GX, Solar Controller and Inverter. We test the system including the alternator in our workshop before delivering the unit to you. THE BOAT BATTERY has all the main bus bars and fuses built-in, so it’s as simple as taking the cables back to the battery.

Pre-programmed and Ready to Go
The alternator comes with a purpose-made cable that plugs in between the battery and the alternator, which also incorporates the alternator temperature sensor – and, if preferred, we can modify the boat’s existing alternator to work with our kit.
This provides absolute peace of mind for you, the boat builder – an easy-to-install, reliable, user friendly and fast charging lithium system with all the after-care handled by us. Including remote technical support as well as our 5 year Warranty offering on site repairs.